Monday, September 9, 2024

The Universal Endangerment of Privacy Blog #4

 Humans use technology every day for their own convenience. Social Media platforms, news sites, texts, calls, or online shopping, for example, are all types of things we use technology for. We open our phones within seconds, and all it takes is the press of a button, or far worse, facial recognition. Most would agree that facial recognition is a much more efficient way of unlocking devices, yet it is important to acknowledge the suspicions behind instant face detection and unusually fast-acting camera technology. However, suspicion is not limited to just facial recognition, and there is significant reason to believe that our privacy is not as private as we believe.

In the last decade, individuals have raised questions about whether their phones and computers are wiretapped, and monitored. A new phrase called an "electronic tattoo" has been tossed around, and it refers to the idea that whatever may be uploaded online, will unfortunately forever be out there. This is the threat to immortality, and it considers how one's digital footprint is essentially eternal. Any person can find your information and use it to their own advantage. The Government also has access to any individual's personal information.

Another SOURCE here, suggests that there is mass surveillance of every citizen living in the U.S. Our messages are tapped, our phone calls, our engine searches, and the gravest concern, audible tapping. All of the randomized ads we see pop up on our devices are really not so random. Suspicions are well-founded when considering the number of coincidences one might experience with ads that are miraculously manifested and offered to them. Wiretapping began over a century ago, further emphasizing the corruption of the Government. 

In most cases, these issues may not affect anyone detrimentally, however, it is the trust of the Government that has now been lost. Civilians are angered by the invasion of their personal privacy and fear that their information is being collected and sold amongst companies that will use it to advertise things to particular audiences. They discover your likes, dislikes, and desires. On the other hand, there are groups of individuals who have no interest in the subject of conversation and do not find tapping to be a direct threat to themselves. Often times a website will prompt you with a question asking you to accept or reject cookies. Accepting these cookies grants access to said site that allows it to collect data on you. This is something to consider next time you open a website browser. 

Of course, there are practical reasons behind the entire idea. Mass surveillance helps law enforcement locate wanted criminals, and to further expedite their investigations. It is worth considering how the Government may be monitoring for legitimate purposes, rather than for their own vile intentions. Protesting may or may not influence change, but it may be an event that surfaces in time. 

As a method of protection, use encrypted apps and platforms that are ensured to provide uncompromising privacy as a powerful tool to protect your identity. It is a great practice to secure your digital profile in any way possible. Check out the following privacy-safe apps in 2024

Click HERE to find out more on security-protected applications.

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